How Am I Different?
Kickbutt Workout Week 3- It’s gettin’ better every minute!
Warmup Exercises Stay The Same:
First warmup the body with these tremendous dynamic body swings and stretches for 1 round of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise.
The Protocol for this workout is combos of 4 exercises performed for 3 rounds. You may need to pick up the pace to finish in 1 hour.
Rest 2 minutes….
- Hand Release Pushups-10 reps
- Hammer Bicep Curls-20 reps
- Dumbell Squat Jabs-20 reps
- Rear Lunge To Hammer Curl-10+10 reps, left and right
Rest 2 minutes….
- Squat Kicks-20 reps
- 1 Leg Bent Over Row-10+10 reps, left and right (Stay on 2 legs for first week for 20 reps)
- 1 Leg Glute Lift-10+10 reps, left and right
- Glute Bridge Reverse Fly-20 reps
Rest 2 minutes….
How well and how quickly you can get up off your back is an important measure of fitness..