Personal Training Packages

Personal Training in Playa Del Carmen

Why my personal training is different and I can guarantee your results.

Personal training and group fitness is great and I have had many incredible success stories with my clients. The problem, however, with gym memberships, group fitness and traditional personal training is that it is very easy for people to cancel appointments, make excuses and avoid having someone hold them accountable for the fitness and nutrition plan they agreed to and really wanted.

So many times I have seen people throw good money at gym memberships, diets, meal plans, supplements and personal training packages and make a good start, only to avoid following through and succeed with their weight loss or fitness goals.  The biggest reason for this is is that people are not given the help and support that they really need to adhere to a fitness plan and change their habits. So many times I have seen people work so hard in the gym but give up because they don’t see the results they wanted.

personal training playa del carmen

With my extensive knowledge in fitness and exercise I have been designing custom Workout Plans for performance and weight loss for my clients for many years. Interestingly, what I have found is that most people already know which foods are healthy and what portions they should be eating. They also love the idea of the plan and know that it will work for them if they follow it, but sadly very few people do. This is mainly because people are to busy and stressed out to make such a big change by themselves and need an immersion to succeed.

This sad fact has troubled me and been a big disappointment for me in my career for a long time. I have been searching for a way to really help more people succeed and get the results they are paying for. This inspired me to come up with some kind of Ultimate Personal Training Package where you can not fail. I am very excited and pleased to tell you that I now have this available for clients doing personal training in Playa Del Carmen. I call it my Psycho Trainer Package. Contact me today to find out more….